The attention to detail is the secret to success in many industries. In fact, the process of paying attention to the smallest detail can lead to immediate failure or future success. The science of examining the details of products and materials is continually expanding and is leading to the development of even more complex machines that can accurately make measurements.
From laser diffraction testing equipment to machines that produce particle size distribution curves, the process of monitoring, testing, and measuring the smallest particles in today’s products can lead to the most significant advancements in a wide variety of industries.
Analytical development scientists work with particle size distribution curves and use this information to help companies constantly evaluate the products that they develop and continue to look for improvements that can be made. Consider some of these facts and figures about analytical method validation guidelines and the industries where they are implemented:
- Laser diffraction has, for the most part, in the last 25 years replaced traditional methods of particle size analysis, such as sedimentation and sieving.
- Dynamic Light Scattering is by far the easiest methods to use when measuring very small particles, for example anything smaller than 0.5um.
- Research indicates that inadequate dispersion is the greatest source of measurement error for any particles with a diameter of 20 um or less. Determining this inadequate dispersion and how to eliminate it is the answer to avoiding these measurement errors.
- Laser diffraction is currently one of the most commonly used particle sizing methods. It is especially effective for particles in the range of 0.5 to 1000 microns. This method works on the principle that when a beam of light, technically known as a laser, is scattered by a group of particles and scatters the angle of light scattering inversely and proportionally to particle size. In simpler terms, the smaller the particle size, the larger the angle of light scattering.
- Sieving is one of the oldest particle sizing methods and is still widely used for relatively large particles like those that are greater than 1mm. And while laser diffraction may be one of the most common particle sizing methods, sieving and other methods are also still in use for analyzing particle size, as well as other particle parameters.