The human resources professional is often responsible for the interviewing, hiring and training of new employee candidates. They are responsible for ensuring that the company is properly staffed and that they are staffed with qualified employees who match the mission and values of the company. When a human resource professional is not present or is not successful at selecting the best candidates that fit the company, the company then suffers. Their level of service and product decreases and the company is at risk of being unsuccessful. Many believe that the human resource professional or the human resource department is the core of the business success and that it is what holds the entire company together. Many small businesses do not have enough human resource professionals or any to successfully choose the correct employee candidates and may benefit from outplacement services for HR consulting.
Employee retention is a huge problem with many businesses. 22% of new hires leave their jobs within 45 days of being hired. Reasons include poor performance and temperament issues. If an employee is hired for a business and they do not fit well with the values of the company or they are not qualified enough for the position, they are likely to be very unsatisfied. When an employee is unsatisfied, they will either choose to leave as soon as a possibility arises or they may not perform well enough in their job position. Eventually, a new employee will need to be found and trained, costing the business both money and time.
The U.S. Department of Labor estimates that the average cost of a bad hiring decision can equal 30% of the first year?s potential earnings. Multiple bad hiring decisions can severely affect a business and their profits and success. Executive HR search firms may cost the business a fee for each qualified candidate that they produce, but the fees will often be made up with the improvement in the candidate choices. HR consulting generally provides better decisions and better skills matches to businesses. A human resources consultant is better qualified to market for open positions, interview potential candidates, asking them the right questions, choose the right candidates, train them properly and then provide follow up to ensure that job satisfaction remains. All of these necessary steps can greatly increase customer satisfaction and production and greatly decrease employee retention rates.
Additionally, new hires that undergo a structured on boarding program are 58% more likely to be with the company after 3 years. HR consulting companies will ensure that their selected and qualified candidate undergoes the appropriate amount of onboarding process.
HR consulting can also be extremely beneficial when a company goes through a restructure. A restructure often occurs when the business is struggling and changes need to be made. The business owner may have noticed that they employ many employees who are not qualified to run the business. They may make the decision to start over, finding employees who are qualified enough to turn the business around. When this occurs, it is important to not make the same hiring mistakes, because there is usually not room enough for another chance.
A lot goes into the selection of employees when running a business. This task is often left up to the human resources professionals, but some companies may not have qualified enough human resource professionals or may not have them at all. When this is the case, it is important to have an HR consulting company to assist with the marketing, interviewing, selecting and training of the employees. This will increase the chances of employee retention and will contribute to the overall success of the company.