How do you determine where you do your Christmas shopping? Are you someone who has a few stores that you always visit? Are you committed to a brick and mortar location and support them no matter what? Or, are you like a growing number of Americans who buy the majority of their items online? Are you the kind of shopper who wakes up in the morning, checks email, and starts clicking?
Clicking on the early announcement of the Black Friday technology deals, hoping to find a discounted pair of the over the ear wireless headphones that your college aged daughter wants for Christmas.
Clicking on the image in the email that promotes a special eye shadow palette for the upcoming holidays.
Clicking on the 30% off sale for your favorite clothing store, hoping to find a New Year’s Eve party outfit.
Clicking here.
Clicking there.
Clicking anywhere that promises the product and the price that you are looking for.
Today’s Affordable SEO Companies Drive Internet Searching and Shopping
Search engine optimization services (SEOs) provide a number opportunities to their clients. From social media marketing to product specific prospecting with email marketing, a SEO provider can help clients connect with the products and services that they are already interested in, as well as new products and services that targeted customers may not have even know that they needed, let alone wanted. Affordable SEO companies help businesses of all sizes make the most of their advertising and marketing dollars.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the variety of ways that affordable SEO companies provide marketing and advertising services to their clients:
- Having a website platform that works on laptops, tablets, and cell phones is a major advantage. In fact, 51% of consumers indicate that they are more likely to purchase from a mobile optimized site.
- An estimated 75% of marketers who have strategic SEO campaigns in place use content creation as an important part of those campaigns.
- Professional SEO companies know what questions to ask to make sure that they completely understand their clients. With a series of interview questions, an effective SEO provider can help their clients connect with their customers through a variety of digital platforms.
- People who shop on the internet have certain habits that are easy to track. As a result, SEO providers know that search and email are still the two top internet activities.
- Yearly totals indicate that local mobile advertising spending to grew from $800 million to $18 billion in the year 2016.
- Content creation is an important part of the SEO services that many providers offer. In fact, 92% of marketers indicate that content creation is either “somewhat” or “very” effective when it comes to the SEO services that they receive.
- Like most consumers, you likely begin your online shopping with a general search. In fact, 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine.
- It should come as no surprise that page hits to online directories and other local resources from non-PC devices more than quadrupled in the year 2012.
- Consumers want what they want, and they want it now. Patience, therefore, is not really any consumer’s greatest strength. In fact, research indicates that 75% of search users never scroll past the first page of search results.
- Kids and teenagers who are internet savvy, and that is most of them, can direct their parents to products and sites for their holiday wish lists. For this reason, a number of social media sites make sure that they connect with this generation.
- In creating content, a website’s name should be one of the top five most used anchor texts.
- Nearly 70% to 80% of users ignore paid ads, and instead focus on organic results.
- Going shopping takes on a new meaning in today’s digital age. Today’s consumers can go shopping in their pajamas, at their house, anytime that they want. An effective SEO provider can help your company with those consumers who tend to go shopping every hour of the day and night!
If you have already entered the season of HAPPY CLICKING you have likely already made use of the emails and social media promotions that affordable SEO companies provide their customers. Connecting consumers with the products and services they are most likely to buy is the goal of today’s most effective advertising and marketing.