If you have your own website and you want to drive traffic there, the use of natural search engine optimization strategies is absolutely essential. The statistics bear this out. More than seven out of every 10 people on the web will initially find a site through a search engine. In fact, the vast majority of Internet traffic, about 86%, is accounted for with search engine use, according to Ipoint.
DIY SEO tips are particularly crucial to implement when you consider that nearly 80% of people who use search engines report that they either often choose or always choose the highest ranked search engine result that appears organically, without the aid of a “sponsored ad.” An iProspect study indicates that a full 62% users actually choose the #1 result with consistency.
The question becomes “What can I do to achieve the top result on search engines?” One important thing is to incorporate relevant keywords seamlessly into your content and web copy. These should be the same words that online users type in to search for a given product, service, or topic. While it is important that keywords are used consistently, you never want to use them so much so that they begin to negatively affect the quality of information that you’re providing. The goal should always be to inform the reader, first and foremost.
Establishing hyperlinks between your site and that of another organization or individual who publishes content on a related topic or the same field is also of critical importance. Hyperlinks allow users to visit your website directly from another location, without the use of a search engine. Hyperlinks, particularly those that are reciprocal between two websites, can go a long way in boosting your overall SEO ranking.
It is also important that your website incorporates marketing that is accessible to mobile users on smartphones. Our Mobile Planet found that 86% of these users pay attention to advertisements on their smartphones. If you have questions, comments, or DIY SEO tips of your own to share, you can make them known in the section below.