IT directors are always searching for ways to make technology work for their organization. The near universality of mobile devices mean that mobile device management software, or Mdm software, is a quick way to instantly increase productivity because it unites the experience of all employees, streamlines business procedures, and creates security on many platforms. Simply stated, mobile device management software can increase productivity and save technology costs.
Mobile device management is a useful service because everyone has technology. A recent IBM survey showed that three quarters of IT managers favor bring your own device, or BYOD models, as it increases productivity. Indeed, BYOD lets users access corporate enterprise systems via cloud computing, something many adults can do. The Pew Internet and American Life Project shows that nearly half of all adults are smartphone users, and the user base for the Android OS increases by 700,000 users a day.
Mobile device management systems do have their threats. Data can always be intercepted, and a lost or stolen device can compromise enterprise systems. Further encryption and security measures mean that, increasingly, mobile device management has risks that outweighs costs. Should the paradigm continue, one can imagine an office with no desktops, but everyone instead brings their own devices. Helpful research also found here.