If you have ever doubted the power of words you simply have to look to some of the latest news headlines to put any of those apprehensions to rest. In the past week alone, consider the powerful words that have garnered attention:
- In her acceptance of her Cecil B. DeMille Lifetime Achievement Award at last night’s Golden Globes celebration, Meryl Streep used her acceptance speech as an opportunity to attack the controversial rhetoric of President-elect Donald Trump. Without ever mentioning him by name, Streep used the power of words to both warn and to ignite the millions of listening audience members.
- For his part, the President-elect went off on another Tweet mission to discredit the actress’s comments. His use of the power of words, in fact, appears to have the country completely divided months past the November election.
- On a far more serious stage, the influence campaign or weaponry of words of Russia’s government to interfere with American politics was reported in a U.S. government intelligence report last week. And as this nation weighs in on the importance of the powerful, and misleading, words that that Russian government may be producing, few Americans are left to think that words do not matter.
Powerful Words Carefully Crafted by an Advertising Agency May Help You Reach More Customers
A marketing and advertising agency certainly understands the power of words. These folks do not need an actress, a future president, or another country to convince them of a fact they have long known. In fact, the sole purpose of an advertising agency is to make the most powerful use of exactly the right words to help promote a product, a person, or a service. In today’s world, more than ever, the words of an advertising agency can reach potential clients through a variety of sources.
When, for instance, a client does a search for a given product or service, that information is also used to help promote some of the various products that the client have been looking for. Clients will, for example, notice theses same products showing up in the middle of their social media news feeds for days after they completed their online search. From airline fair to Anchorage, Alaska, to leggings for teenage daughters, once a client has completed an online search, a full-service marketing agency will use that information to help nudge clients along in those possible purchases.
with the help of advertising and marketing agencies, in fact, you can track everything from the times of the day when your websites are the most used to the areas of the country where that use is coming from. If you are not making use of the latest social media platforms and the other ways that marketing companies are getting the best results, you are missing out. Consider some of these facts and figures:
- 11 is the average number of consumer reviews a potential customer consults on their path to a single purchase.
- 78% of companies indicate that they had a dedicated social media team in the year 2015. This percentage is an increase from the 67% in the year 2012.
- 25% is the percentage of their total marketing budget that companies spent on digital advertising in the year 2013. That figure, however, is projected to jump to as much as 75% by the year 2019.
- 50% of companies indicate that they are using digital marketing, but that they do not have an organized plan.
- 65% of Twitter Ad revenue is generated by mobile tablets and smart phones.
- Only 8% of companies have an email marketing team, in spire of the fact that email is often rated as the platform the delivers the highest return on investment (ROI) of any other digital marketing tactic.
So, did you watch the Golden Globes last night? Have you seen a Meryl Streep movie in the last five years? Did you vote for or against Trump? Are you concerned about Russian hacking? Do you think that words matter? Do you think that the power of words could influence your next marketing campaign? Even if you have been trying to live under a rock the last few weeks, you likely have not been able to escape the world’s most powerful tool: well crafted, scripted words.