In this brief video it will explain the things you can expect from working with a dealer for boats.
He shares a variety of circumstances he experienced in the process of purchasing boats. He says it’s more shady to offer them false hopes about a deal.
In the earlier video, He went to a dealer in Texas while visiting and gently informed the salesperson it was his hometown in Maryland and would not buy the boat. While some thought that the gesture was unprofessional He insists that it isn’t a waste of time.
He also discussed the need to feel out a deal. That means avoiding being forced to sign contracts that you are not interested in. You can gauge the honesty and maturity of dealers in order to decide when it’s the right time to close a deal.
Remember: you don’t owe a boat dealer a sale. There is always a way to look around, find several dealers you feel comfortable with and do not hurry to conclude a sale. n7a2pk6bjq.