It may be difficult to believe, but approximately 93 percent of online activities begin with search engines. As if that were not shocking enough, around 86 percent of web traffic is guided via a search engine! When you take a moment and absorb the meaning of these incredible, yet factual, statistics, it is clear internet marketing is the present and future of marketing.
Unless you have been living an exclusively subterranean existence over the last two decades, none of the above information offers anything new. After all, 80 percent of Americans have daily access to the internet, and roughly 75 percent of them have made at least one purchase during the previous 12 months. An additional 15 percent who did not make any online purchases over the previous year used the internet to research products or services that they purchased via brick and mortars. The bottom line is the internet has in some way influenced purchases made by about three quarters of the U.S. population.
While those above stats are amazing enough, marketing experts predict the online retail revenue to grow by nearly 40 to 45 percent by 2016. What this means is the Web is fertile ground for businesses that are looking for new marketing opportunities. In order to capitalize upon those opportunities, most businesses would be wise to at least take heed of some quick SEO tips and techniques.
As more and more businesses jockey for position in the highly competitive realm of online marketing, it is becoming more difficult to not only gain an edge over the competition, but to navigate the constantly shifting landscapes of the Web. In this day and age, internet technology waits for no one, and only the most savvy and innovative businesses will survive.
Although it is a good idea for every business executive and small business owner to familiarize themselves with some basic SEO tips for beginners, for many businesses, quick SEO tips just are not enough. They realize that it is more efficient and cost effective to enlist the services of a professional SEO firm. Since SEO professionals spend all day, every day, developing new strategies to give their clients a marketing edge, professional SEO offers one of the best ROIs in the marketing world.
As internet commerce continues to grow, there are more marketing opportunities than ever. Since over two thirds of web users click on the top ranking link, achieving the highest search engine ranking possible is crucial for every business. Given the increasing complexity of online marketing today, the best results are achieved by those who possess more than a basic grasp of quick SEO tips, but by SEO professionals with a track record for success.