Did you know that an incredible 90 percent of online experiences begin with a search engine? It is more important than ever that companies optimize their websites in order to be search engine compatible. Most companies choose to outsource their search engine optimization requirements, or SEO.
SEO companies work by creating professional content for websites that help draw in potential consumers by being interesting and relevant, while appealing to search engines by creating quality original content that also incorporates keywords and phrases that correspond to the good or services the website is marketing. SEO can also involve social media marketing and web design.
Although it is advised that you consult professionals to help you with SEO marketing, there are several search engine tips for optimization that you can keep in mind while developing and improving your website.
First, did you know that 40 percent of US companies have a blog? This is because they understand the SEO marketing adage that content is king. Having a blog increases pages for indexing by an average of 400 percent. They are a great way to be a little informal if you want, while also keeping your customers up to date about the latest you have to offer. Allowing a comment section will also encourage clients to have an open discussion with you about questions they have or products they would like to see.
Second, here is a tip for what not to do. Black hat SEO techniques are thankfully dying out, but formerly were a popular way to try and trick search engines into believing there was a presentation of content. Black hat is techniques like creating invisible text or dumping keywords onto the bottom of a page in small text. These techniques no longer work after the Panda and Penguin Google algorithm updates. Not to mention, it looks highly unprofessional and will be a turn off to anyone who sees it on your page.
Third, search engine optimization is pointless without good website design, and some of these are things you can fix yourself so long as you have access to the html of your website. Many business owners less familiar with the internet assume that the flashier a page is, the more appealing it will be. This is absolutely not true and will drive customers away more quickly than if you sent out an email to your entire mailing list saying STAY AWAY. Big no nos include flashing text or images, broken links, text that is in unprofessional fonts like comic sans or any color other than black, and difficult to navigate layouts.