The ability to store liquids is a staple in industrialized society. By doing so, waste is reduced, resources are saved, and the future is made much more secure. Large capacity water tanks are one of the most useful and necessary methods of storing liquids. While large holding tanks are used for storing other liquids such as crude oil and other chemicals, water is most commonly stored because it is so vital to life and society.
But not all large capacity water tanks are built the same. There are tanks of different sizes, shapes, and functions that vary depending on their use and location. Here we will take a look at some of the different types of large capacity water tanks, what makes them different, and how they are used.
Above Ground and Underground
The main difference between larger water tanks is whether they are underground or above ground. Above ground tanks are obviously not concealed like those underneath the ground, but they are cheaper to install up front, making them increasingly popular. Underground water tanks are more difficult and costly to install, since a greater amount of drilling, preparation, and optimization is necessary.
Beyond the price difference, there are also differences in zoning and regulations. Underground water tanks allow the land above them to be used, whereas above ground water tanks take up significant land space. This means that above ground tanks need to fulfill certain additional requirements before they can be installed. There are also concerns involving vandalism and tampering that have to be kept in mind with above ground tanks. Underground water tanks don’t face these issues.
Round vs. Rectangular
When it comes to above ground large capacity water tanks, the major variation among them is shape. These tanks can be round or rectangular, and there are good reasons for the installation of both types. The biggest factor in deciding on installing a round or rectangular tank is the size of the land it will rest on. This is because a round tank holding the same volume of water as a rectangular tank will be taller but take up less land. Conversely, a rectangular tank with the same volume will be shorter in height (usually about six feet tall), but will take up more land since its walls will need to be longer.
There is also the question of cost efficiency when it comes to deciding whether a round or rectangular shape it better. For instance, rectangular tanks typically cost less to construct and install than a round one because they require fewer bolts and a less sophisticated support system. But once again, if space is limited, it might be necessary to use a round tank instead if a certain volume of liquid needs to be stored in that space.
Wastewater or Potable Water
Another thing separating large capacity water tanks is their function. What is the tank holding, and why? Some large tanks are necessary for holding wastewater. This is water that is collected from residences, sewers, and rain that mixes with chemicals and other materials. By storing this water, it can later be treated and made into potable water (water safe to drink).
Of course, potable water needs to be stored as well, and so there are large tanks to fulfill this purpose, too. This water is stored so it can be used in homes, schools, commercial buildings, factories, etc. By having tanks that store wastewater and potable water, water can be effectively and safely recycled, making it easily available and cheaper for everyone.
We all need water. It is the essence of life as we know it, and it has several uses outside of just ingestion. Without proper water storage solutions, so much water would be wasted, and fewer people would be able to easily obtain water when they need it. And whether the tank is underground or above ground, round or rectangular, it serves all of us well.